13 February 2012

The Goon Squad Didn't Get Us!

Hostess: Kelly P - great hostess as well as our fantastic teacher at the YMCA
                            (love the Cardio work outs but so miss the ball class!)

Book discussion: Outstanding, deep, thoughtful and very diverse!
                          NOTE: Pulitzer Prize winning book..... très chic

Food & Wine: Ditto!

Friendship: Read for yourself:
Just wanted to tell you all how lucky I feel to have such a great group of friends in book club. I really needed some girl time. Kelly was such a gracious hostess, the food was great and it was nice to get to hear everyone’s ideas about the book.  Kelly J

I feel the same. I love the time I spend with all my girlfriends! I enjoy all the eclectic books we get to read and discuss. I feel like a better version of myself when we are done with our discussions. I also so appreciate the input you all give me in my personal life - all the trials and tribulations. Thank you to my wonderful friends. Love to you all!   Lisa
Aww you girls are so sweet! I also love our fun times together, I am so glad my friendship circle has grown in such an awesome way. :-)  Kathy

Loved our time as always. And yes, my daughter was the perfect hostess and book club facilitator! Way to go Kelly for introducing us to a different writing style and leading a thoughtful discussion. Great job!
Aren’t we all lucky to have found one another! Another thank you to the Y that I know has its challenges (yikes!) but also does great things like bring us all together.  Noreen   xo

You are all too sweet and fun and pretty and smart.
Thanks so much for including me.....
It was my lucky day when you gave me an invite.
Having you each enriches my life...and gives my brain a real work out!
Love you!  Sylvia

Thanks, everyone!! We do have a wonderful group of awesome women. Again, I appreciate everyone's openness to something different and somewhat challenging. I REALLY enjoyed our discussion.
And thanks for all the delicious food, both yesterday and today as well. My family appreciates you all, too :-) Kelly P