17 April 2013

A Shout Out

Miss Sunshine is a fantastic host!

Thanks so much  Kathy!

15 April 2013

June Book Selection is Wild

Seriously - Wild
by Cheryl Strayed

Selected by our favorite wild child Kelly!
June 9th 

Cheryl Strayed is the author of #1 New York Times bestseller WILD, the New York Times bestseller TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS, and the novel TORCH. WILD was chosen by Oprah Winfrey as her first selection for Oprah's Book Club 2.0 and optioned for film by Reese Witherspoon's production company, Pacific Standard.  

14 April 2013

A World War II Story

We had a great discussion about how much we learned from reading Unbroken. Although this selection was  not our easiest read,  we wish  every young person would read this book. Most of us struggled with the early chapters however the payoff  was knowledge gained about personal  endurance and the horrors of the Japanese POW Camps. Amazing how  public awareness has changed about the effects of war on returning soldiers!
We'll most likely never see patriots like those from The G.I Generation.
(Click the link to more about the Generation of Americans)
WW II Memorial in Washing, D.C.

Sigh....so much to learn and comprehend. Thank you book club ladies for the intelligent discussion and your viewpoints. We will not soon forget Louie Zamperini.

Read more about the possibility of a Hollywood movie.
(click when text is highlighted)
louis zamperini field

On a personal note, my father was born the same year as as Zamperini. Had he not failed the physical, he would have been in the war. Our lives would have been changed. 
World War II Memorial

 I visited the WW II Memorial, a few years ago, soon after it opened.  I met a wonderful veteran who served in the Pacific. We had a great conversation and I was moved to thank him for his service. Admittedly,  I left in tears. Watching  so many elderly gentleman visiting the memorial for the first time (and most likely the last time)  was truly an emotional experience. My pictures below.